Teller Report

Two weeks of access: 16 anti-doping organizations urged WADA to apply sanctions against RUSADA

1/2/2019, 6:51:46 PM

16 national anti-doping organizations have called on WADA to immediately remove RUSADA status. This requirement is due to the fact that the experts of the World Anti-Doping Agency did not have access to the data of the Moscow laboratory until December 31, 2018. At the same time, WADA said that the final results of the commission’s work will be announced on January 14–15, and the organization’s experts are ready to extract the necessary information if the issue of access is resolved with the Russian authorities.

Representatives of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) announced that the final results of the work of a special commission in the Moscow Anti-Doping Laboratory will be announced from January 14 to 15. Thus, the provision of all necessary information to the Russian side is given an additional two weeks.

"Given the importance for pure sport of accessing data and subsequent analysis of data from the Moscow laboratory to support charges against violating the rules of athletes and justifying other athletes, WADA experts will be ready to start extracting data if the issue that was reported in December is resolved by Russian authorities, ”said a statement published on the organization’s official website.

In the event that Russia again loses its status, it will be given the opportunity to appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Lausanne.

In turn, the situation was worried by the head of WADA, Craig Reedy.

“I am deeply disappointed that the data were not provided before the deadline set in September. Throughout this period, we have diligently cooperated with the Russian authorities in the interests of sports cleanliness. Now the process previously initiated by our executive committee will begin, ”the functionary said.

Earlier, the President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Thomas Bach, assured that in any case Russian athletes would not be barred from participating in the 2020 Summer Olympics to be held in Tokyo.

“Before the Games in Pyeongchang, we agreed sanctions for systematic manipulations with doping in Russia at the Olympic Games in Sochi. The guilty were punished. At the same time, the IOC adheres to the principles of the individual responsibility of each subject. That is why we allowed pure Russian athletes to perform in Pyeongchang, but under the most stringent conditions, ”the statement said in a statement issued by the organization’s press service.

In response, 16 national anti-doping organizations issued an official statement urging WADA to immediately withdraw its membership from Russia. The text of the appeal, signed by representatives of Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Singapore, Sweden and the USA, was led on his Twitter page by journalist Dan Rohan.

“Russia has not fulfilled its obligations. WADA needs to be tough and make a decision immediately. Without the data provided, there can only be one outcome. The importance of the situation should not provide for the extension of the period. In the interests of pure sport, a compliance commission should be created without delay, ”the statement says.

Recall that the status of RUSADA was fully restored at the end of September 2018 after a three-year disqualification. At the same time, the organization pledged to provide access to the data of the anti-doping laboratory until December 31. A special commission arrived in Moscow, but failed to complete the work before the Christmas holidays. In addition, the Investigation Committee of the Russian Federation found inconsistencies in the licensing of the equipment used by it.

The Russian side was so worried about its position that three days before the deadline, RUSADA Director General Yury Ganus decided to send a letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin asking for help in defending the national sport that is “on the edge of the abyss”.

“Deprivation of the compliance status of the agency, the central link of our anti-doping system, which in a short period of time not only fully restored its functionality, but also became one of the best in the world, will lead to sports self-isolation of Russia, which more than anyone else should be interested in , in order to understand the problems of his past, "- quotes a TASS official.

In addition, he expressed the assumption that obstacles to the investigation had arisen at the initiative of third parties interested in having the country lose its position in international sports organizations.

The reaction to the non-fulfillment of the set conditions did not keep itself waiting.

One of the first to react to this was the head of the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), Travis Tygart. He admitted that he was not surprised by the situation.

“WADA should not allow Russians to play with them, and immediately announce their inconsistencies due to the deadline once again,” the New York Times quotes Taigart.

In response, Dmitry Svishchev, a member of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sport, Tourism and Youth Affairs, urged USADA to focus on the cleanliness of its athletes.

“It looks, to say the least, strange that a separate national agency allows itself to interfere in our affairs. They have to be reminded that procedural processes are underway, no deadlines have been violated and WADA is aware of this. It’s time for the USADA to stop bothering about its own affairs, ”the official told RIA Novosti.

Despite active pressure from the outside, representatives of WADA expressed their willingness to go to the RUSADA meeting and continue cooperation aimed at settling relations.

WADA criticized the actions of not only the national anti-doping agencies, but also a number of athletes. Thus, the Swedish biathlete Sebastian Samuelsson said that the organization can not cope with their duties.

“No assembly required. The conditions were transparent. That is why WADA initially did not have to compromise. The non-conformity of RUSADA must be announced today! ”The athlete wrote on his page on social networks.

No meeting needed. Conditions was very clear. This is why @wada_ama never should have compromised in the first place. RUSADA should be declared non-compliant today!

- Sebastian Samuelsson (@SebbeSamuelsson) January 1, 2019

A similar statement was made by the commission of athletes of the UK Anti-Doping Agency (UKAD). According to its representatives, the Russian side should learn a lesson from the scandal that occurred and fulfill all the requirements. Otherwise, it will need to be stripped of compliance status.

“WADA leadership must guarantee the interests of athletes, their families and fans. It is necessary to create a global space in which talent and hard work will be rewarded in an honest manner, ”the British cyclist Callum Skinner, who is part of the commission, gives the text of the statement