Teller Report

Turkey gets angry .. Elysee Palace celebrates Kurdish fighters

4/19/2019, 8:33:29 PM

French President Emmanuel Macaron on Friday received a delegation from Syria's Kurdish-majority democratic forces, a move that angered Turkey and dismissed it as wrong.

The French presidency said in a statement that President Emmanuel Macaron assured his guests of the continued support of Paris for Syria's democratic forces in its war against state organization in Syria.

During the meeting, the French president pledged to provide financial support "to meet the humanitarian needs and push towards the economic and social stability of the civilian population in Syria."

According to members of the delegation, McCron pledged to keep French soldiers alongside Syria's democratic forces and provide financial support for reconstruction and the strengthening of public services in the Kurdish autonomous regions of Syria.

It is noteworthy that the Kurds of Syria are calling for the establishment of an international tribunal to try thousands of "jihadists," who are detained, especially the foreigners, including the 6,000 fighters with 15,000 members of their families, but the international community deals with this idea.

At the same time, McCron said, "France is sticking to Turkey's security and ending the escalation along the Syrian-Turkish border."

But the Turkish Foreign Ministry condemned the reception of the French president to the delegation of the Syrian Democratic Forces, which Ankara considers one of the arms of the PKK.

A foreign statement added that what the French president did was wrong and contrary to the allies' relationship.

Turkey will not hesitate to take measures to ensure its national security and to prevent agendas aimed at "Syria's political unity and territorial integrity," the statement said.

Turkey classifies "Kurdish People Protection Units" as a terrorist organization and vows to launch an offensive to keep its fighters away from its borders.