Teller Report

Trump extended sanctions related to Libya

2/20/2019, 4:00:35 AM

US President Donald Trump extended another year sanctions on Libya.

This is stated in the letter of the head of the United States Congress, which was published on the website of the White House.

In his address, Trump noted that he had made this decision, since the threat of instability remains in Libya.

"We risk further destabilization if the sanctions do not remain in force," the letter says.

According to Trump, former members of the Muammar Gadhafi government, his family members and close former comrades-in-arms continue to operate in Libya.

It is noted that we are talking about individual sanctions, which imply the seizure of assets in the US jurisdiction and the prohibition of the Americans to deal with persons involved in the restrictive list.

In March 2018, the son of Muammar Gaddafi, Saif al-Islam, announced his return to Libyan politics.