Teller Report

Trump: Cohen's testimony once again confirms the absence of collusion with Russia

3/3/2019, 8:07:33 PM

US President Donald Trump said that the testimony of his former lawyer Michael Cohen at the congressional hearings once again confirmed the absence of any collusion with Russia.

"The hostile testimony of Cohen, which this liar gave in order to reduce his prison sentence, confirm the absence of collusion (with Russia. - RT )!" - He wrote Twitter.

Trump also described himself as an “innocent man who is pursued by very bad, self-contradictory and corrupt people leading an illegal“ witch hunt. ”

Trump's former attorney testified in the Committee on Supervision and Government Reform of the US House of Representatives on February 27.

During the hearings, he called Trump a racist and fraud.

Also, Cohen said that he had no evidence of Donald Trump's "conspiracy" with Russia.