Teller Report

Thinking of improving the situation of "yellow vests" by the ISF "it's the pipe," Macron says before the mayors

1/15/2019, 6:15:42 PM

At the opening of the "Great National Debate", the President of the Republic once again ruled out revisiting the transformation of the ISF. & Nbsp;

To think that by fully restoring the solidarity tax on wealth (ISF), "the situation of a single 'yellow vest' will improve, it's pipe," said Emmanuel Macron Tuesday during the meeting. opening of the "great national debate" in front of elected officials of the Eure.

"We must not tell cracks: it is not because we will give the ISF as it was a year and a half ago that the situation of a single 'yellow vest' will improve. is the pipe, "said the head of state. "What I know is that if I did it tomorrow, the few who were coming back and creating jobs would say, 'We understand, this one is like the others, from There's a sudden fury, he's packing up his ideas and he's gone, no, no, "exclaimed Emmanuel Macron.

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"Not a taboo or a totem". The question of ISF, put forward by many "yellow vests", is "not at all a taboo or a totem". But "the government has taken texts and the parliament has voted on what as a candidate I had committed, so there is no surprise, there is no deception. a good democratic rule to do what we have committed to its fellow citizens, "said the President of the Republic.

"Did we live better before?" "A lot of people say: we have to give the ISF that way we would be right (...) First I ask them: did we live better before? Well no, many problems they talk to us, sorry to say, including when there was a very important ISF, it was not resolved, their problems, "he said, before adding, obviously challenged by the audience:" it's not has not resolved to remove it either ".

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"The people who were really wealthy, it's been a long time since they left (...) They were holding, they were debt and they did not pay.So who paid the ISF? were not rich enough to either create debt, or to leave, and most of the time they were people who created jobs at home, that's the reality, "he said. applauded by part of the room.