Teller Report

Thierry Séchan, writer and brother of the singer Renaud, is dead

1/9/2019, 1:30:44 PM

Author of several novels and plays, biographer and lyricist in songs for Daniel Lavoie, Julien Clerc or Elsa, Thierry Séchan died Wednesday at his home in Paris at the age of 69 years.

The writer and lyricist Thierry Séchan, was found dead in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday at his home in Paris, announced his brothers, the singer Renaud and his twin David. "Renaud and David Séchan, his brothers, as well as his three daughters Olivia, Lou and Lila charge me to announce with great sadness that Thierry Séchan died at the age of 69 at his Parisian home of natural death", indicates the family statement, sent by Renaud's lawyer, Stéphane Loisy.

Thierry Séchan has written about twenty books. Author of several novels and plays, biographer and lyricist in songs for Daniel Lavoie, Julien Clerc or Elsa, Thierry Séchan wrote about twenty books, including Our friends singers (in several volumes) where he drew portraits vitriol artists, as well as several dedicated to Renaud, including Letters to my brother published in 2013.

"Renaud, do not leave concrete". He had just reconnected with him in epistolary fashion after years of silence, particularly worried about the "demons", alcohol and depression, the singer, who then said he could no longer sing. "What to do to watch you sink your arms crossed? Unimaginable! To resume the slogan you had printed in The Morning of Paris in 1988 to incite Tonton to represent: 'Renaud, let not concrete!'", Wrote- he then. And Renaud has not "left concrete" since he returned in 2016 with his 16th album "Renaud", the biggest selling album in France that year, before going on tour in packed halls.