Teller Report

The United States urged all countries not to miss Russian aircraft in Venezuela

4/19/2019, 2:51:29 PM

State Department spokesman Morgan Ortagus said that the US authorities are urging all countries of the world not to let Russian airplanes into Venezuela.

She posted the corresponding post on her Twitter page.

“We welcome the decision of the Government of Malta to ban Russian aircraft from using their airspace to supply the former Venezuelan authorities. We urge all countries to follow Malta’s example in order to end the Kremlin’s support for dictator Maduro, ”she wrote.

We’ve been able to make it easier for us to use it. The Kremlin’s support for the dictator Maduro. # EstamosUnidosVE @ MFAMalta

- Morgan Ortagus (@statedeptspox) April 19, 2019

Earlier, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, commented on Malta’s refusal to miss two Russian planes to Venezuela.