Teller Report

The State Duma called Poroshenko's charitable transfers to political slyness

1/12/2019, 5:45:46 PM

Member of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs Anton Morozov commented in a conversation with RT the transfer by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko of his 2018 salary to charity.

“Of course, they will try to present this as a kind of disinterested move. But we know that during the years of his presidency Poroshenko has become much richer. This suggests that, most likely, the corruption component in its activities was quite substantial. Facts are known when state orders were given to companies that are affiliated with his business, ”said the deputy.

He also noted that the actions of Petro Poroshenko "resemble an act of political slyness."

“He gives three pennies, taking a few rubles. This is a completely dishonest gesture on his part. In addition, voters are now more interested in their own well-being, housing and utility prices, and wages. In this sense, in Ukraine, to put it mildly, all is not well, ”said Morozov.

Poroshenko earned in 2018 as head of state 270.5 thousand hryvnia (almost $ 10 thousand) and transferred this amount to charity.

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