Teller Report

The monument to Suvorov dismantled in Kiev will be given to the museum in Switzerland

1/26/2019, 4:12:22 PM

Dismantled near the building of the Kiev Military Lyceum named after Ivan Bohun, a monument to the Russian commander Alexander Suvorov is planned to be transferred to the Swiss museum.

This is reported on the website of the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory.

“On Tuesday, January 29, a meeting of representatives of the Ministry of Defense with the military attache of the Swiss Embassy in Ukraine is scheduled. By prior arrangement, the monument will be transferred to one of the Swiss museums of Suvorov, ”the statement says.

As indicated by TASS, it is expected that the monument will be sent to the Swiss city of Linthal, where the private museum of Suvorov, founded by Walter Geler in 1986, is located.

Dismantling of the monument took place on January 24th. Member of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, Vitaly Milonov, in an interview with FAN, commented on this act of the Ukrainian authorities.