Teller Report

The media learned about the successful testing of the Petrel missile power plant

2/16/2019, 2:24:33 PM

Russia in January carried out successful tests of a nuclear power plant for the “Petrel” cruise missile. About this informs TASS referring to a source in the rocket-building industry.

“The most important stage of tests of the“ Petrel ”cruise subsonic missile, the tests of the nuclear power plant, has been successfully completed,” a source said.

As noted, the tests confirmed the declared characteristics of the reactor, which provide an "unlimited range of the missile."

At the same time, the agency indicates that it does not have official confirmation of this data.

Previously, the media reported on scheduled for the summer of 2019 running tests of the Poseidon system.

In the summer of 2018, the Ministry of Defense said that Russia had successfully conducted tests of the latest weapons, including the Poseidon, and the Burevestnik rocket.