Teller Report

The Kremlin criticized attempts to usurp power in Venezuela

1/24/2019, 10:42:54 AM

Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that the Russian side considers the situation with attempts to usurp power in Venezuela to be unacceptable.

“Right from Venezuela, we consider the attempt to usurp supreme power to be contradictory and violating the basic principles of international law, this is the basis of our position, the Foreign Ministry will make a statement, or have already done it,” he said.

Separately, Peskov added that Russia is closely monitoring the situation in Venezuela and is concerned about what is happening there, as well as in connection with statements that do not exclude external interference in the internal affairs of the state by third countries.

Earlier, the Russian Foreign Ministry has already warned the United States against military intervention in the affairs of Venezuela.

In recent days, anti-government marches are held in Venezuela, as well as demonstrations by supporters of the head of state, Nicolas Maduro. According to updated data, 16 people died as a result of the demonstrations.

Against the background of these unrest events, the speaker of the Venezuelan Parliament, Juan Guaido, declared himself the interim head of state.

US authorities supported the Guaido and called on President Nicholas Maduro to transfer power.