Teller Report

The History of Palestine

1/12/2019, 7:30:46 PM

Amjad Ayman - Gaza

Despite his specialization in accounting and his master's degree from the Islamic University of Gaza, Montaser Tarsi follows his hobby in collecting rare photographs and videos documenting the history of Gaza and Palestine, especially those that capture important moments in Palestinian history and resistance, social life and tolerance between Christians and Muslims.

Tarazi, 30, spends many hours a day in front of his computer looking for rare and uncommon images that convey scenes from the history of Palestine and Gaza in particular, to be posted on his Facebook page, "Gazat Ayman Zaman" or his personal page.

A photograph of the Tarsi collection of the English cemetery in Gaza in 1918

The photographs published by Tarsi enjoy a great interaction and are welcomed by the participants with great pleasure because they convey to them an important aspect of the history of Palestine and bring them back to luminous periods of Palestinian struggle and steadfastness and adherence to national unity.

The images also highlight the features of Palestinian life under occupation and the steadfastness of the resistance women in Gaza, the West Bank and the Palestinian diaspora.

Tarazi searches for rare photos and videos through the offices of the Islamic University, Al-Azhar University and other Palestinian offices. He keeps archives of old Palestinian and Arab newspapers, as well as searching through old pages and websites, using some of his friends who keep rare photographs and communicating with Palestinian historians and personalities. From the history of the Palestinian struggle.

A picture of the belongings of an Arab soldier in the Gaza Strip during the Naksa War before his occupation in 1967

Trazi's passion for collecting this archive dates back to early in his life, but he launched his first page on Facebook in 2013.

Terzi shows us a number of rare pictures of Gaza City during the 1970s, during which the Israeli occupation imposed a complete curfew in the city, along with pictures of Palestinian and other Arab figures with the late leader Yasser Arafat, and other images of the occupation mechanisms during the occupation of the Gaza Strip Between 1967 and the return of power in 1994, and pictures of Palestine before the Nakba, including pictures of 140 years old.

A photograph of a tailor's belongings of an UNRWA school in Gaza in 1976

The accountant who is fond of Palestinian history focuses on the 1970s and 1980s, which convey the characteristics of the Palestinian social movement and the effects of unity among the different sectors.

He asserts that he receives a lot of external support from Diaspora Palestinians and diaspora Palestinians who find content in their content that revives memory and rely on some of their photographs as part of their references in studies.

A photograph of Tirazi's collection of the late PLO chairman Yasser Arafat during a 1981 reception in Tokyo

The virtual exhibition to supply and provide fertile material was employed by a number of local news websites in their reports on Palestinian events. Tarsi was keen to allow those sites to use his collection of materials free of charge, believing that these old scenes must be accessible to everyone to present the current generation to the beautiful Palestinian time.

Trazi says he is not aiming for personal glory, and says he is looking forward to contributing to the knowledge of local history and the transmission of scenes from luminous periods that witnessed unity between Palestinians gathered by the homeland and not divided by affiliations.

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