Teller Report

The expert explained the burning of the US flag protest in Haiti

2/17/2019, 12:21:50 PM

Yegor Lidovskoy, the Latin American cultural center named after Hugo Chavez, commented in a conversation with RT protest actions in Haiti, during which at least 200 people took to the streets criticizing President Zhovenel Moise and burned the US flag.

“The fact is that Haiti has always lived in a disgusting economic situation due to the fact that it was the pro-American government that acted there. In recent years, the situation has become even worse, because the current president is completely American-oriented and in no way cares about his people. All his activity is to pump the little money that Haiti earns directly in the USA. Of course, the people are in poverty. They are in a situation that is incomparable with what is happening in Venezuela, in Cuba or in other Latin American countries. This is the worst place in the region for the economic situation. People have absolutely nothing to eat there, there is no livelihood at all, they are forced to eat in the garbage cans and this is not an exaggeration, but real facts, ”said the expert.

According to him, the people are tired of this state of affairs, and the residents want the money that Haiti earns to remain inside the country and go for its development.

“Every nation has a limit to which it can tolerate. Residents of Haiti want to get away from American influence and build relationships with countries that act as equal partners, have respect. First of all, I am talking about Russia, China and Turkey. The United States, for its part, fully controls everything that happens in the country. They are the direct initiators of the economic policy that led to the plight of the Haitian people. And now the States get a well-deserved reaction to their actions, because everything that happened in Haiti before these protests was done from their jurisdiction, ”concluded Lidovskaya.

Earlier in Haiti, residents of Port-au-Prince came to protest with criticism of President Zhovenel Moise for his commitment to cooperate with the United States, and also called on Russia to help resolve the crisis in the country.

At least 200 people took part in the action where the US flag was burned. Demonstrators chanted slogans "Down with the Americans!" Long live Putin! ”