Teller Report

The expert appreciated the statements of EU countries about the readiness to recognize Guayido

1/26/2019, 3:32:20 PM

Member of the Council on Interethnic Relations under the President of Russia, Bogdan Bezpalko, commented on the statements of Paris, Madrid and Berlin to RT about readiness to recognize the President of Venezuela, National Assembly Chairman Juan Guaido, if no election is announced in the country within eight days.

“It seems to me that this is some kind of simultaneous action on the orders, it shows the lack of independence of these leading subjects in global foreign geopolitics and, of course, this very clearly demonstrates the double standards of diplomacy. Mr. Macron would like to remind that it is very strange to support the protesters in other countries, but at the same time speaking out against the protesters in their own country, this is a demonstration of double standards, so frank, cynical and arrogant, it is difficult for her to argue even in this situation this kind of statements rolls over, ”said Bezpalko.

Earlier such statements were made by French President Emmanuel Macron, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, and the deputy spokesman for the German government, Martin Fitz.

On January 23, at an opposition rally in Caracas, Guayido declared himself the temporary head of Venezuela.

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