Teller Report

The expert appreciated the plans of the deputy Rada to apply to the ECHR due to the closure of polling stations

1/10/2019, 4:48:45 PM

Deputy Director of the Institute of Strategic Studies and Forecasts of the RUDN University Nikita Danyuk commented RT on the intention of Verkhovna Rada deputy Vasily Nimchenko to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) because of the decision of the Ukrainian authorities to close polling stations in Russia.

“On the one hand, we understand that Ukraine is now a state where one cannot talk about any competitive electoral process, because the decision to close polling stations in Russia undermines Ukraine’s entry into the European family, where there are strict standards of the electoral process. From the point of view of goal-setting, the deputy is most likely trying to use this situation in order to score political points. It is clear that such actions will not bring any positive solution, ”he said.

According to the expert, “one should not expect any legal consequences from applying to the ECHR”.

“It can also be another demonstration, first of all, to Europe, that Ukraine verbally tries to adhere to democratic values ​​and European standards, but in fact deprives its own citizens working in the territory of Russia of natural suffrage,” concluded Danyuk.

Earlier, the deputy of the Parliament announced his intention to apply to the ECHR due to the decision of the Ukrainian authorities to close polling stations in Russia.

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