Teller Report

The Emergencies Minister admitted that there could be people under the ITMO rubble in Petersburg

2/16/2019, 9:00:33 PM

There should not be people under the rubble in the building of the university in St. Petersburg, but it cannot be excluded that "someone accidentally" could have been there, said Emergency Situations Minister Emergency Situations Minister of Russia.

"At the moment, people should not be there, but do not rule out that someone accidentally could be at this time there," - RIA Novosti quoted the minister.

He stressed that no one was hurt as a result of the incident.

“As soon as the Investigation Committee completes its work, we start work, we initially reinforce the overlaps with supports, then remove the threatening overhanging structures and proceed to the analysis of debris,” he added.

February 16 at the university collapse of overlap occurred, no one died. Investigators opened a case on the fact of the incident.

ITMO rector Vladimir Vasilyev commented on the incident.

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