Teller Report

The embassy urged Russians in Nairobi to be vigilant

1/15/2019, 4:21:48 PM

The head of the consular department of the Russian embassy in Kenya, Oleg Kiporenko, in an interview with RIA Novosti, urged Russians in Nairobi to exercise increased vigilance in connection with the attack of militants on one of the local hotels.

“The embassy urges all Russian citizens who are now in the Kenyan capital to exercise increased vigilance, avoid the Westlands area, stay at home or in their hotel rooms,” he said.

At the same time, the diplomat added that the embassy took additional measures to ensure the safety of employees and their families.

Work is underway to clarify all the circumstances of emergency.

Earlier it was reported that in the Kenyan Nairobi militants attacked the hotel Dusit.

Responsibility for the incident took the Somali group "Al-Shabab" *.

* Al-Shabab is a terrorist group banned in Russia.