Teller Report

The Egyptian-Jordanian-Iraqi summit tackled ways to enhance joint tripartite cooperation

3/24/2019, 10:05:28 PM

A three-way summit was held in Cairo yesterday between Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, Jordanian King Abdullah II and Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, Egyptian presidential spokesman Bassam Radi said. Saying that

A three-way summit was held in Cairo yesterday between Egyptian President Abdelfattah Al-Sisi, Jordanian King Abdullah II and Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, Egyptian presidential spokesman Bassam Radi said.

Egyptian television quoted the spokesman as saying that the summit dealt with reviewing ways to enhance joint tripartite cooperation in various fields among the three countries within the framework of the historical and distinguished relations that it brings together.

The Spokesman pointed out that the summit reviewed the latest developments in the region and stressed the strategic cooperation and coordination between them and other Arab brothers to restore stability in the region and work to find solutions to the crisis group facing a number of Arab countries, And to support the Palestinian people's access to all their legitimate rights, including the establishment of a state on its national soil with East Jerusalem as its capital, in accordance with the resolutions of international legitimacy and approved references, and crises in Syria, Libya, Yemen and elsewhere. In Tunisia, to restore solidarity and promote joint action within the framework of the League of Arab States.

According to the speaker, the summit stressed the importance of combating terrorism in all its forms and confronting all those who support terrorism by financing or arming or providing safe havens and media platforms. She stressed the importance of completing the comprehensive battle against terrorism, especially in the light of the victory achieved by Iraq in the battle against the terrorist " .

The Summit stressed the importance of intensive and coordinated action to strengthen the institutions of the modern national state in the Arab region, as a genuine guarantee against the dangers of fragmentation, terrorism and sectarian and sectarian divisions that contradict the spirit of citizenship and democratic institutions, protect the independence of Arab countries and prevent interference in their internal affairs.

The summit discussed a number of ideas to promote economic integration and cooperation among the three countries, including the promotion and development of joint industrial zones and cooperation in energy, infrastructure and reconstruction sectors. The summit agreed on the importance of meeting periodically to coordinate positions and policies among the three countries in order to realize the interests of their peoples in the stability and economic prosperity, achieve common goals through cooperation with fraternal and friendly countries and build balanced international relations. the top.