Teller Report

The court acquitted Yanukovych under the article on an attempt to change the borders of Ukraine

1/24/2019, 3:09:47 PM

Obolonsky district court of Kiev acquitted the ex-president of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych under the article on an attempt to change the borders of the state.

Reports about it TASS.

It is noted that under this charge, the court considered the evidence presented by the investigation as to the fault of Yanukovych insufficient.

"The court excluded from the definition of" high treason "in the sentence actions aimed at changing the borders of Ukraine and undermining the country's defense," said the presiding judge.

Earlier, the Obolonsky district court of Kiev reported that Yanukovych’s guilt in the case of treason was fully proven.

Yanukovych’s lawyer, Vitaly Serdyuk, commented on this message in an interview with RT.