Teller Report

The course of "democracy": the United States intends to create a coalition for the change of power in Venezuela

3/3/2019, 5:07:50 PM

The United States intends to assemble a coalition for the change of power in Venezuela. This was stated by adviser to the US National Security President John Bolton. He stressed that Washington has been striving to make the Western Hemisphere "fully democratic" for several decades. The intention of the United States to overthrow the incumbent authorities extends to states outside the region, experts say. At the same time, the alliance itself, as indicated by political scientists, actually already exists - these are the countries that supported the self-proclaimed President Juan Guaido, political analysts pointed out.

The United States seeks to create a coalition to overthrow the legitimate president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, and transfer power to the speaker of the country's parliament, Juan Guaiido, who proclaimed himself interim head of state. This was stated by adviser to the US National Security President John Bolton.

“We are trying to gather support for the peaceful transfer of power from Nicolas Maduro to Juan Guaido, whom we recognize as president,” he said in an interview with CNN. “I would like to see a coalition as wide as we can form to change Maduro, change the whole corrupt regime.” This is what we are trying to do. ”

At the same time, Bolton stressed that on the topic of Venezuela posted about 150 messages on Twitter.

“This is my new experiment in public diplomacy. The fact is that we are trying to win support for a peaceful transfer of power from Maduro to Guayido, which we consider the president, ”he said.

Bolton also added that Washington is not afraid to use the phrase “Monroe Doctrine”. Recall that this declaration, proclaimed in 1823 by US President James Monroe, reinforces the non-interference of European powers in the affairs of the states of North and South America.

“This administration is not afraid to use the phrase“ Monroe Doctrine, ”he said. “Since the time of (former US president - RT ) Ronald Reagan, the task of the American presidents was to get a fully democratic hemisphere.”

As Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov noted earlier, the Monroe Doctrine “pales” in comparison with the current actions of the American administration.

“That is, the Monroe Doctrine that Americans should not let anyone in South America turns pale before the doctrine that is now being formed before our eyes and, in fact, means that the Americans usurp the right to use force where they want to overthrow regimes that for one reason or another do not suit them, ”said the Minister on February 27.

“He voiced the current state of affairs”

In fact, the coalition announced by Bolton already exists in a certain form, said political analyst of the international monitoring organization CIS-EMO Stanislav Byshok.

“A certain transitional coalition, in principle, has already been formed by those countries that did not recognize Maduro’s new term and, in fact, recognized the Guaido as interim president. This is almost all countries of America, except Mexico, Bolivia and Uruguay. In this sense, Bolton voiced not so much plans as the current state of affairs, ”he said to RT.

Byshok pointed out that the US is interested in changing political regimes not only in Venezuela, but also in other countries, including those outside the Western Hemisphere.

“As for the desire to change the regime, for the United States, in principle, there is directness in the matter of regime change. They openly talk about the need for regime change in Iran and Cuba. What Washington says about this interest is not a new story in US foreign policy, ”the expert added.

Such a desire to change political regimes is dictated by Bolton’s belonging to the layer of the US political elite, said Vladimir Butyuk, chief researcher at the Institute of the USA and Canada.

“This is a group of representatives of the American ruling class who believe that America should lead the world democratic revolution. These people are trying in every way to return to the practice of regime change, hence the coalition he proclaimed. These people are convinced that world public opinion should approve of what Washington is doing, if someone does not approve, this is not world public opinion, ”he said in an interview with RT.

Recall, February 18, US President Donald Trump said that the days of political regimes in Nicaragua and Cuba are numbered.

“The days of socialism and communism are numbered not only in Venezuela, but also in Nicaragua and Cuba,” The Hill quotes him. “In Venezuela and throughout the Western Hemisphere, socialism is dying, freedom, prosperity and democracy are being revived.”

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo noted that Washington will help residents of "non-democratic regimes", in addition to Venezuela, also in Nicaragua and Cuba.

Venezuela itself pointed to the US attempt to use humanitarian aid as a cover for military invasion. Thus, the Vice-President of the Bolivarian Republic, Delsy Rodriguez, in an exclusive interview with RT, noted that if Washington wanted to help the country's population, he would not impose sanctions against Caracas.

“We already know from history that the United States used the cover of humanitarian aid to bring weapons into the countries where they wanted to overthrow the regimes. We also know that in the situation with Venezuela it was a false humanitarian aid. If the US really wanted to help Venezuela, they would not block the country either economically or commercially. They would not have hunted Venezuela. All this is just a farce. They are not looking for ways to help, ”she said.

“If they keep their word, American plans are not realized.”

Plans for military intervention in Venezuela will not work if neighboring countries continue to adhere to the position of a peaceful resolution of the crisis, Lavrov noted on March 1.

“We, of course, see these intentions, see them and many other countries, including the immediate neighbors of Venezuela. Both Venezuela’s neighbors - both Brazil and Colombia in particular - stated that they would not in any way support plans for an armed invasion of this country. If they keep their word and stand strictly on this position, then, probably, American plans are not realized, ”the Russian foreign minister explained.

On March 1, the self-proclaimed President of Venezuela, Juan Guaido, said he was looking for a way to deliver humanitarian aid from the United States to the country. Opposition politician posted in his Twitter account photos of the goods and accompanying staff in clothes with the logo of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

He himself is now outside Venezuela, however, he stated that he would return on March 4-5 and immediately hold a demonstration.

The previous attempt to deliver humanitarian aid to Venezuela, in which the United States actively participated, turned into clashes between supporters of Guaido and law enforcement agencies of the Bolivarian Republic. According to various sources, as a result of the conflict on the border of Colombia and Venezuela, four people died, and several trucks with humanitarian aid were burned.

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