Teller Report

The Biomechanics Conference in Doha concludes its work .. Al Jazeera Net is accompanied by comprehensive coverage

1/26/2019, 8:22:28 PM

The first biomedical engineering conference on orthodontics, which began Thursday and lasted for three days, was concluded on Saturday in Doha, Qatar, and organized by the Medical Unit Group.

The conference was attended by professors and leading dental dentists from more than 50 countries as well as Qatar, attended by more than 150 physicians and a medical exhibition.

The conference was opened by the Head of the Evaluation Department at Hamad General Hospital Dr. Najat Al-Sayed, who confirmed that the scientific program of the conference is special and exceptional.

The conference presented the latest biomechanical applications in orthodontics, hosting experts on the subject.

Al Jazeera Net also covered the conference with a comprehensive coverage, including the opening session on the Facebook Health and Health page, and nine interviews with doctors and specialists who participated in the conference.

Some of the show's pavilions were also screened live, and follow-up to the latest dentists.

Guests of Al Jazeera Net also talked about children's orthodontic problems, transparent calendar, how to clean the orthodontist, moving calendar, and other topics.

Here we present the interviews conducted during the conference, all of them, for easy access to information and information.

Orthodontic treatment is the treatment associated with the alignment of teeth in the jaws, and the growth of the jaws, which helps to improve the overall appearance of the face and solve the problems of dental alignment.

Biomechanics, which is the subject of the conference, is a science that studies the effects of mechanical forces on living tissues. In the case of orthodontics, the influence of mechanical forces is examined on the tissues of the jaw, gums and teeth.