Teller Report

The army and the resistance in Dhala liberate strategic locations near the governorate of Ibb

2/17/2019, 10:10:12 PM

The local resistance continued with the Directorate of Al-Za'a al-Bala'a, with units of the Yemeni army advancing in the vicinity of the area and its popular market, while the confrontations resumed in the front of Al-Barah west of Taiz between the Yemeni army forces on the one hand and the Houthi militias supported by Iran on the other.

The local resistance continued with the Directorate of Al-Za'tah al-Bala'a with units of the Yemeni army advancing in the vicinity of Al-Tahun area and its popular market, while clashes broke out in Al-Barah Front west of Taiz between Yemeni army forces on the one hand and the Iranian-supported Houthi militias on the other. In more than one area, the Houthi militias have declared public mobilization in the provinces of Imran and Hajjah against the tribes they resist.

In the details, field and local sources in the Directorate of Al-Hishah in the province of Dali in central Yemen, the local resistance was supported by units of the Yemeni army to control the area of ​​the mill in full, and cleared a large number of taps and areas surrounding the market of the popular area, which was also controlled, That the army and resistance forces continue to progress in the axis of the mill towards the transfer between Dhala and the province of Ibb from the direction of the Directorate of Sabra, amid the collapse of elements Houthi.

The sources pointed out that the recent victories came after the Iranian-backed Houthi militias attempted to infiltrate into areas in the axis of the mill, prompting the army and the resistance forces to counter the attack and launched a counter-offensive that led to the liberation of these areas and incursions into large areas around the area of ​​the mill, The fort, Wataa al-Hudaydah, Habil Na'ama and Wakam Barakat, all strategically located along the Ibb-Dhalea road.

The sources pointed out that the attack and the recent progress was a blow and surprise to the elements of the militias and caused heavy losses of lives and equipment, while the army continued to advance in the south of Dmt north of Dhala in the direction of the site "foot" and Rahba area east of Beit Yazidi, after fierce battles with the militias, Which killed 13 people and injured dozens.

The artillery of the Yemeni army targeted the positions and gatherings of militias in the site of Kharam, Watta Thail south of the city of Dimit, resulting in the deaths and injuries among the Houthis, and the destruction of a vehicle belonging to it,

On the other hand, disputes and disputes between the Huthis in the Directorate of the door to the death of Deputy Director of Security Directorate appointed by the Houthis, Anwar al-Jaradi, by a resident of the Directorate against the backdrop of accusations of the setback suffered in the bowels Balhala.

In Taiz, renewed fighting on the fronts of the west of the city between the army forces and the Iranian militia, centered in the front of Al-Barh of the Directorate of the acceptable and the separation between the city of Taiz and the Directorate of Mukhaa on the west coast of Yemen, and resulted in the deaths of 40 Huthia between the dead and wounded, according to the Yemeni army.

In the argument, the battles and confrontations continued between the resistance of the Hjor Almtalhat the coalition fighters on the one hand and the Houthi militias on the other, in different parts of the Directorate of Kushar surrounding the area of ​​Hajour, including the area «Darb Marrow», which witnessed violent clashes between the two sides yesterday, according to local sources, That militias bombed several civilian areas in various types of weapons.

The tribes of Hajor launched a distress call to the coalition and the army and the tribes of Yemen in general to the speed of their rescue from the militias that bombard their areas using Iranian weapons and do not take into account the presence of women and children and elders, noting that the militias bombed and the war of genocide in the villages of Hajor and several areas of Kushar.

Al-Houthi militias shelled "the villages of Shaathamah and built a painter from the market of Duba, and the area of ​​Abyssa", which left dead and wounded among the population of those areas.

For its part, the coalition fighters launched a series of support raids led to the destruction of military mechanisms for the Houthis in the area of ​​Mandela east of Al-Abbisa, in addition to the death and injury of a number of elements of Houthi, including one of the leading leaders, according to local sources.

The resistance of Hjour was subjected to treachery by the sons of the region of Bani Riban on the pretext that they withdrew from the front of the mandate towards the region after receiving large amounts of money and weapons from the militias that were able to progress towards the area of ​​Mandala, but the coalition aircraft had a lookout and killed dead and wounded and destroyed a number of mechanisms After a series of raids.

Tribal sources confirmed that the intervention of the coalition aircraft to support the legitimacy to support the tribes of Hajor was decisive in the clashes, where the militias killed more than 100 people, in addition to a large number of wounded and the destruction of mechanisms and equipment of war, through a series of intensive raids launched during the past two days.

On the other hand, the militias declared a general mobilization among their elements to reclaim the areas they lost in Keshar Hajjah in the interest of the resistance of Hjour, which was severely beaten and thwarted all their plans on the fronts of Hajjah and the West Coast.

Informed sources in Sanaa confirmed the orders of the militia leader, Abdul Malik al-Houthi, to lead the militias by announcing mobilization, mobilizing more fighters and taking advantage of the demonstrations called for by the militia leadership and witnessed by a number of areas of their control yesterday and pushing them towards the pretexts of excuse and excuse Imran to subdue the tribes in those areas.

For its part, the tribes declared in the scarcity and the beautiful and successful and the Khairan and the honorable and the mobilization and Bakil Nafir in the face of the militias that have declared mobilization against them, and called on these tribes to speed up the intervention to lift the injustice practiced on their brothers in the village and the continent and excuse.

In al-Jouf, al-Mutamah district witnessed the last stronghold of the militias in the province, clashes and clashes Houthi Houthi against the backdrop of sharing influence in the Directorate among armed groups follow the governor of the Jouf appointed by Houthi, Saleh Durman, and other groups follow the militias in the Directorate, leaving dead and wounded in their ranks.

Local sources said that fierce clashes in the area of ​​Hasoun bin Saad al-Mutama Directorate, between the Houthi elements of the power struggle between the governor appointed governor of the Houthis, and local armed groups refused to surrender to Derman.

In Hodeidah, the forces of the brigades of the Giants confronted an armed attack by al-Houthi militias on their positions east of the Directorate of Durahmi using various medium and heavy weapons and artillery shells, as they continued to violate the truce and cease fire.

The brigades confirmed through the Media Center that they will not continue to deal with violations of Houthi continued since the declaration of the cease-fire in mid-December last, and will respond appropriately and appropriate to the violations committed by the militias in various areas and districts of Hodeidah.

The militias continued their attack on the joint positions in the districts of Durahmi and Al-Haly in Hodeidah province and shelled the positions of the Amalekites east of Drehami with artillery and bombed the positions of the Giants forces in the area of ​​Kilo 16 of the current Directorate of mortar shells. Militias also targeted the factories of «fixed brothers» on the outskirts of the city of Hodeidah with mortars and Hauser.

The intervention of coalition aircraft to support the tribes of Hjour was crucial in the clashes, where the militias killed more than 100 people.