Teller Report

Temperature record for April 27th broken in Moscow

4/27/2019, 12:13:23 PM

The temperature record for April 27 was broken in Moscow, Interfax reports.

At the main metropolitan weather station, located in the VDNKh area, by 14:00 Saturday, April 27, the temperature rose to +24.2 ° С.

“The temperature record for April 27, set in 2001 (+24.1 ° C), was broken,” the weather bureau said.

It is also noted that April 27 was the warmest day since the beginning of the year in Moscow.

Earlier it was reported that in Moscow on April 25 was the warmest day since the beginning of the year.

According to weather forecasters, on Sunday, April 28, in the afternoon it is expected to be +15 ... + 18 ° С, and frosts down to -3 ° С are possible on Monday night.

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