Teller Report

Telegraph apologizes to Melanie Trump and will pay her compensation

1/26/2019, 4:26:49 PM

The British publication The Telegraph apologized to US First Lady Melanier Trump for misrepresenting her facts in a January 19 publication and will pay compensation to the wife of the United States President.

This is stated in the publication on the website of the publication.

“We recognize that Ms. Trump was a successful professional model in and of itself before she met her spouse and got a job without his assistance in this,” the statement says.

The publication also distorted facts about Melanie Trump's father, her motives for leaving the course on architecture and a number of other facts.

“We sincerely apologize to the First Lady and her family for any difficulties caused by the statements in this publication. As a sign of our regret, we agree to pay compensation to Mrs. Trump, as well as legal fees, ”the newspaper notes.

Earlier, the American newspaper The New York Times criticized the first lady of the United States for having arrived in Kenya in a white hat. The authors of the publication noted that this is a "symbol of European colonialism."