Teller Report

Sudanese protesters .. Battle expected against the "agents" of Bashir military council

4/19/2019, 3:45:52 PM

The tone of the military junta in Sudan is rising because of the slow response to the demands of the revolutionary forces to hand over power to a civilian government and to expel the symbols of the former regime.

The protesters cling to the headquarters of the army in Khartoum and the headquarters of the military diets in a number of cities to achieve all the objectives of the revolution, they say.

The retention of some government officials by the former regime, and the lack of photographs confirming the arrest of the former figures, contributed to the creation of a rising atmosphere against the military junta.

And increased the tension among the protesters and the opposition, the return of some of the system to senior government positions, such as the appointment of former National Congress leader Abdul Majid Harun, on Friday, to run the Ministry of Information following the dismissal of the former agent, Major General Younis Mahmoud, media adviser to the military, Hadith al-Thawra "and" political talk "on the Sudanese radio station for the mobilization of the former regime.

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The composition of the board
Critics of the movement included the military council itself, which includes some of the former regime's members, headed by the chairman of the political committee Omar Zine El Abidine, and Jalaluddin al-Sheikh, deputy director of the former security apparatus.

Sheikh appeared on the sidelines on February 20 last year when Bashir issued a decree appointing him deputy director of the security and intelligence apparatus, with the return of Salah Abdullah Qosh as director.

The team was the first corner of Omar Zine El Abidine, Vice President of Military Manufacturing, who took over the presidency of the Political Committee of the Military Council led by Awad bin Auf in the first press conference of the Council after the overthrow of Bashir.

Zine El Abidine remained chairman of the political committee after Ben Awaf stepped down and Abdul Fattah al-Burhan assumed leadership of the council and is seen as the political strategist of the council.

Arman described a number of members of the military council as belonging to the former regime (Al-Jazeera - Archive)

System fatigue
Yasser Arman, deputy leader of the SPLM led the Sudan Appeal Alliance under the Declaration of Freedom and Change that the members of the Council, Zine El Abidine Omar, Jalal El-Din El-Sheikh, the first police chief Tayeb Babeker and the pilot Salah Abdel-Khaliq of the system of racing in the army, police and security.

He added on his official Facebook page that Zine El Abidine was specifically the mastermind of the Bashir regime in regular forces, in addition to the first police chief Tayeb Babeker, who previously served as commander of the central reserve forces, and made his way to the police force until Bashir upgraded him to Director General of Police in 2018.

Members of the former regime also - according to Arman - the pilot of the Salah Abdul Khaliq Corner, who has been the chief of staff of the Air Force since 27 February 2018 after the promotion of Bashir in this post, a little media appearance, until recently appeared military council member.

The spokesman of the military council Shamseddin al-Kabbashi said - in the first press conference after receipt of the proof of the presidency of the Council - that there are negative signals and targeting some members of the Council is not justified by the popular movement.

Political activists and rights activists on social networking sites attacked the junta and its formation.

He considered a member of the secretariat of journalists Khaled Fathi composition as "an attempt to wrap the revolution and its objectives in a bad way."

As activists, politicians and protesters have known the last few days of the council's relationship with al-Bashir, there is a looming confrontation between them and the military junta, analysts say.