Teller Report

South Africa: Ace Magashule, number 3 of the ANC, in turmoil - RFI

3/31/2019, 6:24:01 PM

New waves of corruption revelations against the ANC, in South Africa, just over a month away from the presidential election. A book

By RFIPosted 31-03-2019Modified on 31-03-2019 at 20:09

New waves of revelations of corruption against the ANC, in South Africa, just over a month from the presidential election. An investigative book, which comes out this Monday, April 1 in the rainbow nation, is particularly aimed at the secretary general of the ANC, Ace Magashule, number 3 of the party. He was at the head of the Free State Province for 10 years and would have committed all kinds of malpractices: embezzlement, nepotism, influence peddling ... A book that falls badly for this controversial personality, and more generally for the ANC, in the middle of the electoral campaign. The party counterattacked yesterday, citing a conspiracy.

Through Ace Magashule, the entire party is targeted to denounce the ANC in a long statement. These are fake news, propaganda, continues the party, which even goes so far as to accuse Stratcom, the former apartheid-era agency responsible for producing false reports.

Yet accusations of corruption against Magashule are not new. Many searches have already taken place in the province of Free State, a province he directed for ten years and where he appears as powerful in the book called Gangster State .

His nickname in the area, "Sir 10%", Magashule receiving commissions on almost all government contracts. But the accusations are much more numerous. Embezzlement of 13 million euros to the Gupta Indian family , funding luxury holidays to elected officials of his region in Cuba with the taxpayer's money, or exaggeration of its action in the fight against apartheid.

At one month of elections, the ANC has no choice and stands up to defend its secretary general. Ace Magashule, fervent lieutenant of Jacob Zuma, does not however have the favors of the president Cyril Ramaphosa. His future could therefore swing after the elections.

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