Teller Report

Search in Lower Saxony: Investigators find a thousand firearms in private apartment

2/22/2019, 5:16:09 PM

A gunsmith from Lower Saxony is said to have embezzled a huge amount of weapons. During a house search police found around a thousand pistols and rifles - and tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition.

During a search of apartments in Ritterhude in Lower Saxony police have discovered a huge arsenal of weapons. After finding around a thousand firearms in a gunsmith's home on Thursday, the police now exclude an extremist background.

Officials had found the pistols and rifles in the 44-year-old's private rooms - as well as tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition. When moving from Schleswig-Holstein to Lower Saxony, the man had taken all hitherto hoarded in his workshop weapons, said a spokesman for the prosecutor Kiel.

The cause of the house search was a criminal prosecution prosecution for embezzlement of weapons, according to police. The removal of the seized guns and rifles took several hours. Now it is determined whether the man was allowed to legally have this in his possession.