Teller Report

Science fiction in literary works

1/23/2019, 10:58:25 AM

The well-known scientific development opens up horizons that humans have never imagined before. The Internet, technology, modern machinery and social media have changed the mood of the readers, writers and critics, and the situation has to literature to answer all these requirements contemporary and future, and needed a human literature on the trends and developments of modern science, scientists wrote novels dealing with these topics, and called critics "science fiction "He said.

The literary works of science fiction, through creative forces that rely on intuition and spontaneity, attempt to present an imaginative picture of what the future world will be in the future. These works reveal the complementarity between novel work in science fiction, modern scientific discoveries and emerging situations in people's lives. Between the scientific thinking of the subject and the scientific imagination of the self about the future despite the difference and contrast in the method of treatment and goal.

Western societies find in these imaginative works about science and the future a different function of practical and educational beyond the limits of intellectual pleasure exclusive

It is not necessary to realize all the predictions of the science fiction book about the future. Their actions only record their own perception of what they perceive as a general trend of the evolution of the events and situations in which they live. These expectations are often realized or indeed part of them, for example the "space machine" In which the American authors Fred Boehl and CM Cornelot have predicted the emergence of a new world that is managed and controlled by all the media agencies, which is already happening to a large extent, or as is the case with the many fictional scientific literature on the use of nuclear power Before physicists begin Serious thinking about the access to this force and the steps that help it.

Scientific imagination often precedes objective scientific research and prepares the mind for its creation or even calls for a certain direction to achieve scientific and technological gains and discoveries that took the minds of the novelists before they came to the attention of the specialized scientists. The same thing can be said of fictional works about space trips and invasion (1828-1905), who adopted this type of literature and gave it a modern, sophisticated form, Then become Founding father through his novel "Journey to the underground" 1864, "from the Earth to the Moon" 1865, also he wrote about the jet aircraft and long-range missiles and dive into the depths of the ocean and all the predictions turned into reality.

Not to mention "Herbert George Wells" (1866-1846), described by Shakespeare as "science fiction", wrote his first novel, The Time Machine (1895), the greatest science fiction fiction ever. In 1901, His many diverse works. The Russian-born American author Isaac Isaacov (1920-1992), who won a prestigious position among the pioneers of science fiction, thanks to his writings in Riyadh, his fertile imagination and his extensive scientific knowledge. He wrote about 400 books for young and old Most of them are on the science of culture and the most famous books here (I robot) in 1950.

Critics and scientists consider all these works to be creative literary writings that provide the reader with a great deal of mental pleasure and stimulate his imagination about his future, the future of the society in which he lives, or even about the future of all humanity, if these (imaginary) expectations are realized on the ground. A function of future literary works worthy of respect and can not be underestimated.

Western societies have realized in these imaginative works about science and the future a different practical and educational function that transcends the limits of pure intellectual pleasure. Western countries have recognized the need to guide children from childhood to read these works so as to be part of their mental composition and to motivate them in the future to think hard For creation, innovation and invention. Therefore, the curricula of public education are concerned with providing students with a great deal of scientific information, which is derived from scientific and fictional writings. Indeed, some universities in America have introduced science fiction courses in their curricula, just as they have introduced courses on the science of the future, which shows the realization of the strength of the relationship between the two and the importance of working together on an equal footing.

The images presented by these writings often inspire these scientists to explore new fields of exploration and exploration to reveal the nature of the human mind

The publishing houses and scientific bodies have been interested in publishing specialized magazines in science fiction, whether in the form of stories or articles that address all ages. This is an issue we do not give in our Arab world the attention it deserves in the development of our educational policy, and this may be one of the reasons for underdevelopment in the fields of disclosure, innovation and invention. As well as the lack of awareness of the importance of the development of science, and satisfy the Queen of Fantasy, which led to the lack of science fiction literature even on acceptable levels, which exceeded several scientific experiments. Although it is a valuable opportunity for our Arab world, not only to instill the love of science in individuals, but also to provide the necessary and important inputs for the creation of creators in various fields.

In fact, Arab history has known many attempts in this field even before this type of literature is known by this name, such as Ibn Tufayl's legend, which is the closest to fiction, in addition to other works that did not have different signs. Some writers, In order to enrich this genre. But some scholars see that the Egyptian writer (Mustafa Mahmoud) was one of the first writers in the field of science fiction fiction of modern history, published in the sixties of the twentieth novel (Spider) and then (a man under zero) but the experiment presented by the novelist novelist (Nihad Sharif) for nearly half a century, has had a significant impact in the development and classification, and even he was the pioneer of science fiction literature in the Arab world, where he published his first novel (the conqueror of time) in 1972, and then wrote another famous novel Second World) 1977 to pursue his creative career in writing many of the story collections.

Among the Arab writers who contributed to the writing of the Syrian science fiction (Dr. Talab Omran), and his work: (Albarron behind the sun) in 1979 and (not in the moon poor) in 1983, and (behind the barrier of time) 1985, and this modest presence in the Arab scene contributed to It was so briefly classified as a popular or commercial literature, which made writers and writing enthusiasts unprepared for his experience. These ratings are strongly related to the double "grandpa and humor", which means according to this classification that it is worthless.

Another reason cited by some to explain the lack of Arab production in this area is the lack of technical development capable of creating a space for interaction with the literary. But in fact, a few science fiction writers came from academic scientific backgrounds and the growth of such literature is in a scientific research environment, and this is not available in our Arab world. The result is that the book imports western ideas about science fiction, Which was produced and produced by the scientific societies that do not belong to it and therefore this genre was born hybrid and alien to this land, so it has nothing to do but to write in Arabic words, as Dr. Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq says, "Because science fiction literature was born in a lost environment and science does not produce "He said.

Science fiction transcends reality, and often reaches the distant horizons that can not be imagined by the ordinary human mind, but it may exceed the perceptions of academic scientists and their expectations, but the images presented by these writings often inspire these scientists to the possibility of new fields of exploration and exploration to detect The nature of the human mind and its excessive materialism in this age. What is important is the impact of all this on social life, human relations, moral values ​​and principles that will guide these relationships and control the destinies of people.

Who knows ?! The day may come when they invent invisible wounds to the wounds that the words caused in our souls. A restless lotion is used every day and all times .. A disinfectant for the souls who are suffering from despair, or a heart-boosting drink .. Those sad and broken hearts or forgotten sprays are mentioned in All unfortunate conditions, no side effects, no antidotes, unlimited dose, immediate effect.