Teller Report

SBU will study the appeal "Peacemaker" about the campaign Zelensky

4/9/2019, 3:18:22 PM

The Security Service of Ukraine will study the appeal of the Peacemaker website about allegedly financing the election campaign of presidential candidate Vladimir Zelensky by Russia.

It is reported by Interfax-Ukraine, with reference to the press secretary of the SBU Elena Gitlyanskaya.

“Received appeal. The central investigative department is studying, ”she said.

According to the agency, earlier “Peacemaker” reported that Zelensky’s election campaign was financed by Russian special services. In this regard, relevant appeals were sent to the National Security and Defense Council, the Security Service of Ukraine and the Verkhovna Rada.

On April 7, the CEC of Ukraine officially announced the results of the first round of elections. Zelensky received 5,714,034 votes (30.24%), Poroshenko - 3,014,609 votes (15.95%), and 2,532,452 people (13.40%) voted for Tymoshenko.