Teller Report

Satire in "Saturday Night Live": Alec Baldwin fears revenge of Trump supporters

2/21/2019, 7:09:35 AM

With a blond wig and a distinctive blessing Alec Baldwin regularly parodies Donald Trump. Now the Hollywood star is worried about his safety - because of the reaction of the US president.

Satire is everything, they say. But US President Donald Trump does not seem to hold much of this guiding idea, which was prepared by Kurt Tucholsky in 1919. On Twitter he rushed little ironically against the NBC show "Saturday Night Live" (SNL). The jokes of the show? Not funny, Trump decided - and asked publicly how it could be that the broadcasters would get away with such a program without retaliation.

With this brazen criticism on the SNL show, Trump could have incited people against Alec Baldwin, who regularly imitates the US president in the show with a blond wig and distinctive jealousy. The feared at least the artist and has now spoken about his fear.

"And now, a message from the President of the United States." #SNL

- Saturday Night Live - SNL (@nbcsnl) February 17, 2019

The US president is seducing followers to get angry and embittered, Baldwin said in an interview with the podcast "Dworkin Report." He has often been approached in the past, whether he is not afraid of revenge. "I always answered 'Not really', I never took that seriously, until now." Trump does not say what to do and how to feel, but he creates a hostile mood. "And that's the beginning."

On Twitter, Baldwin had previously asked if an incumbent President would actually tell his followers that qualifying for a role on a TV comedy show would qualify him as an enemy of the people. He therefore argued that this could not pose a threat to the security of himself and his family.

Nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC! What are the Republican hit jobs without retribution? Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real collusion!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 17, 2019

Donald Trump's son, Donald Trump Jr., dismissed the 60-year-old Hollywood actor's concerns with harsh words. "Spare everyone with your bullshit Alec," he wrote.

This animosity Baldwin parried in conversation with the "Dworkin Report" now with humor. Although the president could escape prosecution in the investigation of Russia's influence on the US presidential election campaign, his son was still at the center of the investigation. "And if he is not pardoned, he'll have to go to jail and I guess he'll have plenty of time to watch Saturday Night Live."