Teller Report

Sadiq al-Mahdi supports the calls of the demonstrators for the departure of the Bashir government

1/25/2019, 11:36:36 PM

Sadiq al-Mahdi, the most prominent opposition leader in Sudan, announced yesterday that he supports the "popular movement" in the country, stressing that the regime of President Omar al-Bashir "must leave." The declaration coincided with the call of Sudanese professionals to public demonstrations and Friday prayers in public squares , Also called assembly

Sadiq al-Mahdi, the most prominent opposition leader in Sudan, announced yesterday that he supports the "popular movement" in the country, stressing that the regime of President Omar al-Bashir "must leave." The declaration coincided with the call of Sudanese professionals to public demonstrations and Friday prayers in public squares , And called for the assembly to sit in the fields and night demonstrations, which continue since the beginning of this week, ending with what he called the largest procession march of all cities and villages of Sudan.

The leader of the opposition Umma party, Sadiq al-Mahdi, said in a Friday sermon at Al-Ansar mosque in Omdurman yesterday, in the presence of hundreds of his supporters: "We support this popular movement. And we support him », declaring his support for the official demonstrations in Sudan, and his refusal to kill demonstrators.

Mahdi said that 20 political and civil rights groups, will sign the declaration of freedom and change.

He said that 100 people representing the Sudanese community, will hand over the Declaration of Freedom and Change to the Parliament, revealing the conduct of 100 demonstrations inside and outside Sudan, to demand the departure of the regime.

"More than 50 people have been killed since the outbreak of the protest movement on December 19, 2018," he said, calling on "the wise men of the regime" to renounce the shedding of innocent blood.

He stressed that the most important demands of the Charter of Salvation, is the departure of the regime, and the formation of a transitional government to achieve a just peace.

Mahdi said that the most important demands of this popular movement, is that "this system must go, replaced by a transitional government."

He stressed in his speech «we will rally in peaceful demonstrations and sit-ins, inside Sudan and abroad».

The gathering of Sudanese professionals called for public demonstrations and Friday prayers in public squares.

He also called for sit-ins in the squares and night demonstrations, which continue since the beginning of this week, and ends with what he called the largest procession march of all cities and villages of Sudan.

The massive protests, which took place in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum and other cities, killed two people and wounded dozens.

A spokesman for the Sudanese police, General Hashim Abdul Rahim, in a statement yesterday, the death of two people during the anti-government demonstrations, which shook Khartoum on Thursday.

Hundreds demonstrated in the streets of Khartoum and the city of Omdurman on Thursday, while simultaneous marches took place in several Sudanese cities and towns, calling on Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir to resign.

"Several states in the country have witnessed illegal gatherings (and similar rallies have also taken place), in different parts of the state of Khartoum," Abdul Rahim said. They were dispersed by police using tear gas. "

"Police in Khartoum State have recorded two deaths," he said, without specifying how the two died.

The death toll has risen since the outbreak of protests to 30, according to figures released by officials. Human rights organizations, for their part, have estimated the death toll at more than 40.

For its part, the United Nations called on all parties in the Sudan to avoid the use of any form of violence, including the use of excessive force by the security forces.

The UN deputy spokesman, Farhan Haq, insisted on the principle of peaceful demonstrations everywhere in the world, once again calling on the Sudanese authorities to conduct a thorough investigation into the deaths and violence, according to a previous statement of the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

The protests, triggered by an escalating economic crisis, and the three-fold increase in the price of bread by the Sudanese government since 19 December 2018 have spread to various parts of Sudan. The protests have turned into political demands demanding the resignation of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir and the formation of a new government.

- the police

Sudan confirms

Two people were killed,

During demonstrations


For the government, which

Khartoum shook



20 political and civil rights group

Will sign the declaration of freedom and change, and the running

100 demonstration inside and outside the Sudan,

To demand the departure of the regime.

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