Teller Report

Russian Navy Receives Ivan Antonov, Mine Defense Ship

1/26/2019, 1:21:11 PM

The Russian Navy received a new-generation mine defense ship, the Ivan Antonov. This was reported in the press service of the Black Sea Fleet.

“The solemn ritual of the first ascent of the St. Andrew’s flag on the anti-mine ship of the new generation“ Ivan Antonov ”was held on board the ship moored at berth number 2 of the Baltic naval base, on the contrary, symbolically, a monument to the founder of the Russian fleet Peter the First,” TASS reports.

In April 2018, it was reported that the ship "Ivan Antonov" was launched at the Sredne-Nevsky Shipbuilding Plant in St. Petersburg.

This ship is designed to search and destroy mines in the waters of naval bases. Its displacement is 890 tons, length - 61 meters, width - 10 meters. The speed of the vessel at full displacement is 16.5 knots. Its crew consists of 44 people.