Teller Report

Rosrybolovstvo announced a "barbaric" discharge of water by Ukraine into the Black Sea

2/20/2019, 12:24:46 PM

Vasily Sokolov, deputy head of the Federal Agency for Fishery, said that the “barbarous” discharge of water into the Black Sea by Ukraine poses a threat to the marine ecosystem.

“For the Black Sea ecosystem, the real threat is the discharge of fresh water, the one that previously came from Ukraine to the Crimea. Now, from our point of view, it is the barbaric discharge of water specifically for the ecology of the Black Sea, ”RIA Novosti quotes him.

He noted that due to the discharge of water into the sea there is a serious desalination. Sokolov added that institute specialists talk about serious long-term changes in the fauna.

The deputy head of the Federal Agency for Fishery explained that this concerns the extinction of some species, the reduction of biomass and changes in the migration routes of fish.

In December 2018, the ex-deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Spiridon Kilinkarov, in an interview with the FAN, commented on the statements that because of the blockade of Crimea, Ukraine is losing hundreds of millions of dollars a year.