Teller Report

Reunion: Bardot apologizes and reiterates his "revolt"

3/24/2019, 8:29:22 PM

On Sunday, the former actress apologized after her comments about the Reunionese. In particular, she described them as & nbsp; & quot; degenerate population & quot ;.

On Sunday, the former actress apologized for her remarks about the Reunionese. She described them as a "degenerate population".

Brigitte Bardot apologized Sunday after her insulting remarks against the Reunionese, yet again justifying her anger against what she considers to be the "tragic fate" of animals on the island.

"It's a revolt that has been brewing in me for 24 years." "My only fault is to have blasted the entire population by injuring those who do not hurt the animals, and I ask them to forgive me," she said in a statement. "Violently sanctions my words and not the acts that caused them," she says. "This is a rebellion that has been brewing in me for 24 years, like a volcanic eruption, that has exploded and that I am suffering the consequences of, but at least it will perhaps react those who are responsible and do nothing to improve things, "she said again.

"The natives kept their genes of savages". In an open letter to the prefect, the former actress had described the Reunion as a "degenerate population", evoking "barbaric traditions" and a "demonic island". "The natives kept their genes of savages", she wrote, accusing the Reunionese of "barbarism" as to the fate supposedly reserved for dogs and cats, or evoking the "Indian festivals Tamils ​​with beheadings of bees and goats offering at their gods ". Words largely condemned that also pushed the prefect of Reunion to seize the public prosecutor. Several complaints were filed against her, while on social networks many Reunion Islanders posted photos of their pets to contradict her.