Teller Report

Registration of goods at AED 250 million on behalf of a company without its knowledge

4/19/2019, 10:10:09 PM

Hadeed Company, based in Jebel Ali Free Zone, was surprised by the freezing of transactions by the competent authorities. It sent a representative to inquire about the reason. He discovered a shocking response when he found heavy fines on the company.

Hadeed Company, based in the Jebel Ali Free Zone, was surprised by the freezing of transactions by the competent authorities. It sent a representative to inquire about the reason. He discovered a shocking response when he found heavy fines on the company due to the accumulation of huge quantities of goods, After the transfer of companies, and after an audit and research found that the former employees of the company falsely electronic documents, based on the ownership of goods, estimated at about 250 million dirhams, from other companies to the name of the company victim, after accusing officials of those companies ability to collect discounts Customs, if goods are transported by Cm company referred to, the recent liver customs fines accumulated.

The defendants, the first of whom was 36 years old and the second Asian, 49, were sentenced to three years in prison and fined 150,000 dirhams each. We appealed against the verdict but were supported by the Dubai Court of Appeal.

Prosecutors reported that convicted employees were dismissed in 2013 from their company in Jebel Ali Free Zone.

The investigations indicated that they had contacted a number of companies in the free zone, and that their owners were still working in the iron company and offered to clear shipments on the goods of these companies at a lower fee, against a certain percentage of between 2 and 5% of the value of the goods, They were working there.

The prosecution charged the defendants with 29 counts, including the forgery of some 286 electronic customs documents, on the basis of which 250 million dirhams worth of goods were transferred to the name of the iron company in which they were working, using a forged seal of the last company, user name and password Which was granted to them during their work in the company.

The financial director of the iron company, where the two defendants worked, testified that the crimes were discovered when the company went to customs to inquire about a suspended transaction. The customs informed them that there were huge fines accumulated on a large quantity of the company's owned goods.

He added: "This was shocking to us in the company, after we discovered the transfer of a large amount of goods from other companies to our property without our knowledge, using forged seals and documents," continuing "our contact with the companies of the goods, and we were surprised that the accused behind all these practices, And they sent official letters to those companies ยป.

He pointed out that the first defendant, who was the director of one of the departments, when he learned that the company investigates the abuses, and related to the owners of goods, contacted the owner of the company in which he was working, and threatened to send complaints against his company to customs, and implemented the threat already, pointing out that the total The money the defendants may receive from their operations is estimated at AED 12.5 million.

According to another witness from the company, the warehouse manager, that there are goods registered on behalf of the company does not fall in its activities from the ground, pointing out that both defendants had a stamp of the company, and when they work used to do all transactions relating to customs in full, without allowing any employee In addition to their involvement in this, likely to conduct illegal transactions while in the company, and was not disclosed until after their separation.