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Reactions to May's Brexit defeat: "A bitter day for Europe"

1/15/2019, 9:09:42 PM

What happens after Theresa May's defeat? German politicians are shocked by the clear vote - many are in favor of extending the deadline for negotiations. Reactions at a glance.

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German politicians were fascinated by the developments in the British House of Commons. The clear defeat for Theresa May provokes different reactions.

For example, the new CDU leader Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer speaks of a "sad evening". Such a clear rejection was not expected, she said in Berlin. "We have to keep a cool head now, even if the heart is really heavy." There is still time until the end of March to avert an unregulated Brexit. "Now you have to see how things develop in London." The EU is in demand.

Her colleague Elmar Brok , Brexit representative of the EPP Group in the European Parliament, said: "The defeat in the House of Commons for the withdrawal agreement was so high that the British government is now on the move." London must now propose what to do next. "

Paul Ziemiak called for a deadline extension for Great Britain. Now "Weitblick" is required, said the new CDU Secretary General on Twitter. "Let's give the British a deadline extension for London to use the last chance to reach a compromise."


Paul Ziemiak

Union faction leader Ralph Brinkhaus (CDU) has not given up hope for a deal with Great Britain yet. "Everyone has to keep calm now," Brinkhaus explained on Twitter. "However, the EU can not give up its principles, as much as we want to remain close to the British."

Vice-Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) warned against an unregulated withdrawal of the British from the EU. "This is a bitter day for Europe," wrote the Federal Finance Minister on Tuesday evening on Twitter. "We are prepared, but an unregulated Brexit is the worst of all possibilities, for the EU, but especially for Britain."

Bundestag member Fabio de Masi (DIE LINKE) said: "A no-deal Brexit must be prevented, the rights of British and EU citizens must be protected and secured in a separate agreement Negotiating period to secure the rights of EU citizens and facilitate new elections in the UK. "

Green Europe expert Franziska Brantner has called on the government in London to change course. "The British government must finally start acting responsibly," Brantner said. "Above all, this means taking the hard-Brexit off the table - by postponing the withdrawal date or by completely withdrawing the withdrawal request."

It is unbearable "that British Prime Minister Theresa May" keeps this sword of Damocles hovering over Europe, "added Green Party spokeswoman for the European Parliament." Today is a bitter day for Europe. With Brexit chaos, it is becoming increasingly clear that nationalism and populism are leading to division and chaos. "