Teller Report

RCA: French Mirage 2000 backs Minusca in its takeover of Bambari - RFI

1/12/2019, 2:09:41 PM

Since Thursday, the UN mission in the Central African Republic has launched a ground operation to try to regain control of Bambari, the city in the center of

By RFIPalled on 12-01-2019Modified on 12-01-2019 at 14:53

Since Thursday, the UN mission in the Central African Republic has launched a ground operation to try to regain control of Bambari, the city in the center of the country that is in the grip of repeated attacks by a rebel group, the UPC.

This Saturday morning, no detonation was heard in Bambari. Abel Matchipata, the former mayor of the city, speaks of a certain lull although the tension is still palpable. Few traffic in the streets of the city, closed shops, residents cloistered at home. Bambari is therefore stopped after two days of intense fighting.

Various attacks

On Thursday, the UPC and its allies launched various attacks in the city. The Minusca then fought back by launching a ground operation called "Bambari without armed groups". Operation that allowed, according to the UN mission in the Central African Republic, the destruction of lethal means and the dismantling of barricades controlled by the UPC.

But new fights took place on Friday morning. At the request of the Minusca, France intervened in support early in the morning that day: two Mirage 2000 from N'Djamena flew over the area at very low altitude and this three or four times with the aim of running away the rebels.

Since last night, the fighting has stopped. Fighting that according to a humanitarian source have made since Thursday 34 wounded and one dead.

Announced talks

These events come as the Central African President was due to visit Bambari on Thursday and Friday to celebrate World Food Day.

Faustin Archange Touadéra announced on Wednesday that talks between the government and rebel groups will be held on January 24 in Khartoum .

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