Teller Report

Putin in the New Year's greetings wished the Russians joy and prosperity

12/31/2018, 9:15:40 PM

Russian President Vladimir Putin made a New Year greeting, wishing the Russians joy and prosperity.

“Everyone has their own expectations. But by and large, we all want our relatives to be healthy, to have agreement in the house, the children to enjoy, life to be peaceful, and dreams, even the most secret ones, surely come true, ”said the head of state.

The Russian leader noted that in the new year, the residents of the country will have to solve a large number of tasks "in the economy, science and technology, in health care, education and culture."

"Therefore, it is important for us to be a united, united strong team," Putin said.

Earlier, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev congratulated the Russians on the upcoming New Year and wished the fulfillment of the most cherished wishes.

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