Teller Report

Putin commented on Muller’s report with “Mountain gave birth to a mouse”

4/9/2019, 3:48:39 PM

Russian leader Vladimir Putin, during the plenary session of the Arctic - Territory of Dialogue forum, commented on the results of the investigation of special prosecutor Robert Muller.

“We initially said that this notorious commission of Mr. Muller will not find anything, because nobody knows this better than us. Russia did not interfere in any elections in the United States, ”said the head of state.

He stressed that there was no collusion between the American President Donald Trump and Russia, “which Mr. Muller was looking for”.

“We were not acquainted with Mr. Trump. Yes, he came to Moscow, but as a businessman. Frankly, this was not an event for us. This is a complete nonsense, designed exclusively for the internal audience ... The fact that it (the commission. - RT ) will end up like a "mountain gave birth to a mouse", as they say, it was clear to us in advance. I told you about this all the time, ”Putin pointed out.

At the same time, according to him, the situation inside the United States "has not become easier."

“Some new reasons are looking for attacks on President Trump ... This is some element of the crisis in the political system in the United States itself ... Those groups that are attacking the legitimately elected president, because what is it? They disagree with the choice of the American people, nullify the results, ”he added.

At the end of March, the US Department of Justice handed over to Congress a summary of the Muller report. It noted the lack of evidence of Trump’s "collusion."

The president of the United States himself called such conclusions his complete justification.

At the same time on April 4, the resolution on the publication of the Muller report was blocked for the fifth time.

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