Teller Report

Professor at Sungkyunkwan University accepts daughter with papers ... Wavefront requirement

3/25/2019, 12:29:23 PM

Sungkyunkwan University professor Sungkyunkwan University wrote his paper instead of his daughter, and it was confirmed that he had mobilized graduate students who were his students. The professor repeated this to try to send his daughter to college and a few years later to send him a dental school.


Sungkyunkwan University professor Sungkyunkwan University wrote his paper instead of his daughter, and it was confirmed that he had mobilized graduate students who were his students. The professor repeated this to try to send his daughter to college and a few years later to send him a dental school.

It is reported by reporter Lim Tae-woo.


In 2013, Professor A of Sungkyunkwan University Pharmacy Department made an announcement by using graduate students for their 3 daughters who participated in the International Youth Symposium.

Professor A's daughter received the award and passed it on occasion at a special special class for science talents in Seoul's famous private university.

[Professor A: I know that I have not seen him well. It is typical without a minimum (academic standard) ... .]

The assignment was not over. This is an article published in the SCI International Journal of 2017.

Animal studies have shown the hypothesis that a hormone called melatonin reduces stress inflammation.

But in fact, it was written by graduate student disciples that the daughter of Professor A had left overseas as an exchange student.

Professor A manipulated the experimental data and completed the paper, and the daughter entered the graduate school of dentistry graduated in Seoul as a result.

[Professor A: It takes 1 or 2 years to write one article. But I would not have a daughter, because I did not have time to change my answer.

Unfair practices such as a professor registering his / her child as a co - author of his / her paper are frequent for the specification of the child.

[Lee Bum / Educational Critic: Comparison area is very easy for unfair fertility to appear because the influence of parental aid and private tutoring can be a significant factor.]

The Ministry of Education has asked the prosecutor to investigate A professor's son, who has been asked to pay damages to the professor A for the professor A and who has obtained the testimony of A professor, daughter, and similar gangster.

(Image coverage: Jungbae Jeon, Image editing: Park Ji In, VJ: Shin So Young)