Teller Report

Price development of Samsung smartphones: patience is worth it

2/21/2019, 10:36:52 AM

Samsung has just introduced new smartphones. The Galaxy S10 series shows what is technically feasible - and at what price. We analyzed when is the right time to buy.

Those who have a weakness for gadgets and technology are being put to the test again. On Wednesday night, Samsung showcased the Galaxy S10 series, with superb screens, triple cameras and a host of other enticing gimmicks. And so you might take a little hasty to the latest model.

But should not you rather wait a bit? It's no secret that Samsung phones are getting cheaper over time. Only: How much patience should one muster without running the risk that the new Galaxy is outdated again? Weeks? Months? Years?

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Galaxy S10: These are the new Samsung smartphones

To clarify this question, we analyzed how the prices of five different Galaxy smartphones developed in the year after their respective market launch. The results were shown below as graphics.

Galaxy phones are getting more expensive - and faster cheaper

First of all, our graphics show a significant increase in prices, which coincides with the launch of the Galaxy S8. The three predecessor models Galaxy S5, Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S7 were all still in the area around 700 euros for the debut, the S8, however, was sold at launch almost 100 euros more expensive. With the Galaxy S9 Samsung put a fad on it, so it initially went for 838 euros over the counter.

It is also clear, however, that the price decline has accelerated significantly after Samsung has increased its cost prices. The curves are initially much steeper in the Galaxy S8 and S9 than in the other models. Apparently, Samsung is only able to push through its price increases after its launch, when the so-called early adopters strike and are willing to pay very high prices for being the first to own a new gadget.

About three months after its launch, all five devices had the first opportunity to save properly. The price for the Galaxy S9, for example, had fallen in 2018 after this period by a whopping 280 euros from 840 to 560 euros. The Galaxy S5 was at least 145 euros, starting from a starting price of 681 euros. Another indication that the price erosion has accelerated.

After this first "fall of the stock price" the price deceleration slowed down and went into a slowly sinking curve. Another eight months later, the price of the S9 was 499 euros, so it had only fallen by another 61 euros. Within the first year after the start of the sale, it is only partly worthwhile to wait longer than three months to buy. It used to be different. The Galaxy S5 price fell in the same period by 116 €, so almost a sixth.

Finally, our last graph shows the relative price history of the Galaxy S models investigated. A first insight that can be deduced from this image: Somehow, everything looks very similar. A second: after the first day of sale you have to be patient on average 67 days to get the top Samsung smartphone at the time, 20 percent cheaper than someone who runs into the store on the first day of sales to buy one ,

It is also noticeable here that the younger models reach this point earlier than their predecessors. So while, for example, the Galaxy S7 has cost 67 percent of its original price after 67 days, the S9 had already dropped to 73 percent at this time.

So much is clear: a little patience can actually pay if you want to buy one of Samsung's Galaxy smartphones. Probably that's why the group lures pre-orderers with free extras. If you currently ordered a Galaxy S10, you get a few Galaxy Buds worth 149 euros packed.

Those who can do without such gimmicks and spend two to three months patience, but can usually save more than bring these extras. And the potential for savings also increases the more expensive the devices become.