Teller Report

Power struggle in the SPD: Nahles wants to chill critics

3/15/2019, 5:53:28 PM

SPD parliamentary leader Nahles wants to punish one of its toughest critics: The Bavarian MP Florian Post should lose to SPIEGEL information his seat on the Economic Committee. It is rumbling in the party.

He annoyed them for a long time, now wants SPD parliamentary group leader Andrea Nahles and punish one of their sharpest critics: The Bavarian member of parliament Florian Post is to SPIEGEL information lose his seat on the Economic Committee and thus also his previous role as a rapporteur for the arms export policy.

At the moment, a decision is being prepared, according to the fraction leader. Officially, the step is justified mathematically: Because an SPD MP, the Dortmund Marco Bülow, last year left the group, the SPD must give a place in the Economic Committee.

However, the faction leadership makes no secret of the fact that the planned transfer is a targeted disciplinary measure against Swiss Post. When asked which parliamentarians are sent to the committees, "the presence and deviations from the voting behavior of the parliamentary group are taken into account," said the Parliamentary Group Managing Director Carsten Schneider DER SPIEGEL.

"You should not constantly profile yourself at the expense of your own faction"

Post recently voted as one of six SPD members against the reform of paragraph 219a. Again and again he criticized the course of the party leadership. Nahles recently complained in an in-house meeting, Post using it "only as an abortion".

In the SPD, the project of the faction leader provides for anger. She was "at least irritated," says the Bundestag deputy Dagmar Friday. It must be possible to discuss controversially.

The North Rhine-Westphalian member of parliament Axel Schäfer says: "Of course you should not constantly profile yourself at the expense of your own faction, but we should avoid regulatory measures as far as possible." Andrea Nahles, as with Olaf Scholz, unfortunately still shines the authoritarian character Juso times through. "

Munich Mayor Dieter Reiter criticized the plan for the transfer: If the Munich Post should be dismissed from the Economic Committee, "I can not understand," he said. He hopes "that this decision will be reconsidered".

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