Teller Report

Poroshenko on the debate asked Zelensky about Ukraine in five years

4/19/2019, 4:51:40 PM

Ukrainian presidential candidate Vladimir Zelensky during the debate at the stadium in Kiev answered the question of the current Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko about Ukraine in five years.

Poroshenko used his right and asked Zelensky the question: “Where do you see Ukraine in five years?”.

“I go for one term, and in five years there will be another president. I keep my fists so that your surroundings will no longer be in politics, ”answered Zelensky.

He also stressed that Ukraine is going to Europe and promised to defend the choice of Ukrainians.

“Ukraine has chosen the path to Europe, and this is more important. Ukrainians paid a very high price, these are the lives of our people, the lives of Ukrainians on the Maidan. You are not a prophet and I am not Moses, we cannot lead Ukraine somewhere. Ukraine goes to Europe, and now you as a guarantor must defend the choice of Ukrainians. And I, if I will, if people decide, I will also defend the European choice of Ukrainians, ”the candidate added.

Earlier, Zelensky during the debate said that he was “the result of Poroshenko’s mistakes and promises.”

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