Teller Report

Polish Prime Minister announced the impossibility to stop the "Nord Stream - 2"

1/26/2019, 5:39:26 PM

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Moravetsky acknowledged that it is impossible to prevent the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline.

“Let's be honest: two powerful countries, one of which is a world power, Russia, and the other — Germany — the fourth economy in the world — decided to build a gas pipeline ... these are two powerful states and, so to speak, it’s not easy to forbid anything ", - said Moravetsky in an interview with Interia.

At the same time, he noted that, in the opinion of Poland, the construction of the gas pipeline is contrary to European rules.

Moravetsky said that the construction "is contrary to security guarantees for this part of the world, Poland, Ukraine" and called it selfish.

Earlier, the President of the Russian Gas Union, Sergei Chizhov, in an interview with NSN, commented on the statement by Natalya Boyko, Deputy Minister of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine, that Moscow would have to sign a new contract with Kiev for gas transit to Europe due to the unavailability of Nord Stream 2.

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