Teller Report

Patrushev: The United States is guided by Poroshenko before elections in Ukraine

3/24/2019, 7:05:39 PM

Secretary of the Security Council of Russia Nikolai Patrushev, in a conversation with Izvestia, commented on the upcoming presidential elections in Ukraine, noting that the United States is guided by the Ukrainian leader, Petro Poroshenko, "who fulfills all instructions."

“Currently, Ukraine is controlled from the outside, namely from Washington. Americans in their statements claim that they will support any elected candidate. At the same time, it is absolutely clear that they are oriented towards Poroshenko, who fulfills all the instructions of overseas curators, ”said Patrushev.

According to him, if the current president wins the election, it can lead to aggravation of contradictions in society and the disintegration of the state, the newspaper writes.

Earlier, the State Department called the elections in Ukraine the key test of democracy.

In early March, Petro Poroshenko and Deputy Secretary of State for Political Affairs David Gale during the meeting stressed the importance of preventing external interference in the presidential elections in Ukraine.