Teller Report

Our relationship with our ancestors .. How to give us happiness and develop our personality?

1/25/2019, 9:18:26 PM

Our relationship with our grandparents is an active element in the development of our personality, where we spend time with stories and happiness.

When we were children we always echo this sentence: "I want to ask my grandfather or grandmother something, because my mother will refuse." This reflects the fact of the strong bond between children and their grandparents.

Here are ten things that explain why our relationship with our ancestors is of great importance, as reported by French writer Sarah Am in the magazine Santi Plus.

Our friends and our secrets
The relationship between grandparents and their grandchildren is somewhat special, with most grandchildren seeing that their ancestors are qualified people to be friends who conceal their secrets. A conversation with Grandpa or Grandma can also give us many tips, while our fathers do not have time to hear us. In addition, the presence of grandparents is important in a child's life to acquire social skills.

Our relationship with our grandparents is an active element in our personality development, where we spend time with our ancestors full of stories and happiness (Getty Images)

Support in family problems
When there are family problems, it is difficult for us to talk to our friends because of their ability to understand the emotions in the psyche of their grandchildren, and they often form a refuge for them during the onset of a family crisis.

Witnesses on family history
Our family history is a strong foundation on which our identity is based. Our ancestors are often witnesses to family history, and children who are familiar with the history of their predecessors often enjoy better psychological health, especially as this contributes to giving the child greater knowledge of himself.

The ancestors are role models for grandchildren
Grandparents who follow a healthy lifestyle and still maintain their activity have a great influence on their grandchildren, becoming the role model for their grandchildren.

Because grandparents' commitments are less than parents, they engage in less invasive dialogue, an alternative for children to get tips (Getty Images)

Family relationships across their ancestors
Grandparents are able to help their grandchildren understand how the family system works, and can therefore be a rich lesson with knowledge and advice on how to shape their personality and relationship.

Less dominant in their rule
Because parents' obligations are less than parents, they engage in less dialogue than their children. This is a substitute for children to seek advice when they need to make objective decisions, such as choice of study, career relationships, or romance. Children also feel less stressed and feel free to interact more freely with their grandparents.

Grandparents know the meaning of the family
Being grand / grandmother means above all giving your grandchildren the true meaning of the family; the participation of grandparents in everything that matters to the family means sending them a message to their grandchildren that the family is not confined only within the cell of the father or mother. Grandparents often form a bridge to communicate with the rest of the family, including aunts, uncles, cousins ​​and cousins.

The participation of grandparents in everything that matters to the family means sending a message to their grandchildren that the family is not confined to the father or mother cell (Getty Images)

Transferring new skills to grandchildren
Parents often do not have the opportunity to raise their children because of their professional obligations, and thus allow the grandparents to be in the front row to spend special moments with their grandchildren. The grandparents take advantage of this opportunity to convey to their grandchildren the pleasure of reading the books, crafts and voluntary work that characterized their generation.

Grandparents learned not to distract things
The experience gained by grandparents in their lives teaches grandchildren, and gives them the opportunity to realize that the individual should not be saddened by small accidents in life, and that everything will improve over time.

Children feel happy with their grandparents
Children who have lived with their grandparents have a greater chance of enjoying a happy, prosperous and active life, where grandma or grandma is a catalyst for a sense of happiness.