Teller Report

On the eighth anniversary of January, the fund is still absent

1/23/2019, 11:06:57 AM

In the marketplace of ideas, many care about detail, others care about the exterior and few gather the two threads. The general appearance is made by detail, but it is indispensable if we want a positive result. As we are on the threshold of the eighth anniversary of the January revolution, the vast majority sank or voluntarily plunged into the details without verifying the integrated image of the parties.

The scene expresses itself eight years later and after events took place, leaks came out and graduated. However, the individuals do not want to put the scattered pieces together to see the picture more fully. It may be desirable to mention that here we, the people of the Diaspora, have once awakened to the news of a revolution in the homeland. Specifically in January 2011. At that time we did not believe our ears (revolution says? The details did not concern us as much as the most important is that the mercy of God has cheated the miserable souls and it seems that those who deserve to extend God's hand to help. I do not think that eight years ago, the Egyptians knew or knew the amount of their revolution as we know it on thousands of miles. This is a revolution loved by the distressed and hated by the neighbor. The Americans here flew by .. Believe me, they loved her very much. They were shaking their young visitor symbols as heroes who were writing a new history of liberation movements.

We need to learn that there are rules in classifying men, especially those who are elite. You can not bear to test the credibility of a man twice. This is a losing gamble. Perhaps we give another chance to those who misjudge attitudes but credibility is the metal of men

The young people here imitated them and sat on the streets of Wall Street and crumbled the ground to make Tahrir Square in New York City. They wrote about him and still write about the beauty of the Egyptians and the great sacrifices, especially the descent of Egyptian women themselves to lead their sons and brothers in the battle to determine the fate of a homeland. The Americans did not know that, in exchange for a generation that was barefoot with fierce military hordes because they believed that the path of freedom had to be sacrificed, another generation hated to see real change without having a share in the cake. They see that they are distinguished in this backward situation and did not realize that they were on the edge of the dustbin and others at the bottom. Let them lose their children and their martyrs. There is no past, no time, no joy, no future. I do not care about teaching them or convincing them or just paying attention to them .. Like them everywhere in the world and their destiny they follow the strong and strong Vdoa and what they are.

Now we put together letters under the dots so that the integrated picture may appear clearly:
First, the Egyptians must insist that the spontaneity was and remains the slogan. People came down on January 25 and had no intention of going on for hours. Maybe a day or two at most. But a multi-faceted and homogenous revolution. I do not think this has happened and things are going to show that. Let's call it a revolution rehearsal. I say it's a very successful and wonderful rehearsal. Why do I say this and now specifically? Because we need to put our feet on a solid ground and know that the ages are lost and the spirit is lost without a clear way they know him entrance and exit before entering it. I do not want this blog to be as surgical as I want to cleanse it from a pus that prevents healing and recovery. We must admit that the Egyptians inside Egypt were surprised by the revolution like them, like others who live outside the country. Vhonon yourselves the campaign of mischief and betrayal. All of you have worked hard, sometimes you have sinned and sometimes you have sinned. Forgive yourselves and others, and the way is long, and there is little.

Second, we need to learn that there are rules in classifying men, especially those who are known as elite. You can not bear to test the credibility of a man twice. This is a losing gamble. We may give another chance to those who misjudge attitudes, but credibility is the metal of a man who can not change it after he has lost his head. Therefore, the recycling or restoration of the so-called elite of Egypt needs a smart look, which dispense with a lot of nonsense.

Thirdly: Time drives us .. And those who do not realize the value of time will be a little late and it is easier for those who are wiser to seize opportunities to take decisions that contribute to stopping bleeding and healing the rift. I say that the homeland, Egyptians like a rose may bow to thirst for water, but if it withered and fell its leaves, it will inevitably die. "" The homeland is withering not only thirst but also withers if it is contaminated with contaminated water. "

John L. Lewis (Atlanta, Georgia) shortened his position on the impact of the Russian government on the results of the US presidency after reviewing the report of the CIA. He said on NBC's website on Friday: January 2017 The president-elect (Donald Trump) is an illegitimate president. John Lewis weighed heavily as a symbol of Martin Luther King's movement against racial discrimination and the struggle for civil rights did not find in his throat except this disturbing characterization of Tramp. Of course, the days will tell us where this report will end. But until now, the American president has been elected by popular will in transparent elections until proven otherwise.

We learn AB Democracy I say that the fund is the first and last democracy. It is alleged that the fund is not everything it is ignorant and impervious. The ranking of the governing institutions is the results of the free electoral fund. The point here is to talk about legitimacy and because there are those who avoid talking about the legitimacy of President Morsi and his right to return to the seat of government .. The legitimacy of Dr. Morsi (in my opinion) represents the point of convergence for those who want to stand on solid ground.