Teller Report

New year on the Champs-Élysées: "give a more positive image of Paris"

12/31/2018, 6:30:40 PM

"These are images that will circumnavigate the world," believes Europe 1 Emmanuel Grégoire, first deputy mayor of Paris, a few hours from the beginning of the festivities in the capital. & nbsp;


Nearly 300,000 people are expected on the Champs-Elysees in Paris on Monday night. From 23:30, fireworks and a show on the theme of fraternity will be offered to the inhabitants of the capital, in an atmosphere that the mayor hopes festive. "The neighborhood was hit by several difficult weeks", especially because of the mobilization of "yellow vests", sometimes enamelled with violence, explains on Europe 1 Emmanuel Grégoire, 1st deputy mayor of Paris. "The idea is to put in brackets the differences, the discrepancies that may exist and make sure that tonight is a great party for everyone."

A "real risk" for the job. "These are images that will go around the world, to give a more positive image of Paris because the real risk for traders and for the economy of our country in general is that there is a decline in tourism, "continues Emmanuel Grégoire. "It would be a real risk for everyone, especially for jobs."

On 1 December in particular, the third Saturday of mobilization gave rise to multiple violence with the degraded Arc de Triomphe and guerrilla scenes in several upscale neighborhoods. "There were some negative signals, including cancellations on tourist attendance," says the 1st deputy mayor of Paris. "This inflection should not be sustainable." At the time of the attacks ( November 13, ed ), there had been an air gap, it had been caught up. of welcome, without questioning the legitimacy of social mobilization.It is also an image that our country traditionally in the world.But we must be able to combine all that.

"Be respectful of each other". What does the town hall answer to the "yellow vests", some of which have already announced their willingness to invite themselves to the festivities? "Whether festive or non-violent," asks Emmanuel Grégoire. "Tonight is a time of celebration, that they respect this slogan, which is to celebrate together, to be respectful of one another and the common good. a more demanding, more traditional movement (...) "

To ensure the good performance of the event, 12,000 police are mobilized within the capital. "The security conditions are quite exceptional, they have been for several years due to the terrorist risk," said the Parisian deputy. "At the same time, you have to be able to party freely, to circulate freely.The advice you can get is to come a little earlier, considering the security measures."

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