Teller Report

Nebenzya appreciated the ultimatum put forward by Venezuela about early elections

1/26/2019, 9:20:26 PM

Vasily Nebenzya, the Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN, commented on the ultimatum put forward by Venezuela about the early elections, which should be announced within eight days.

“Of course, crises are better prevented than resolved. You offer to resolve this crisis in a peculiar way, putting forward an absurd eight-day ultimatum. Some countries, however, did not even need eight days to refuse recognition to the legitimate authorities of Venezuela, ”he said.

Nebenzia noted that the countries that declared this ultimatum ignore the sovereignty of Venezuela, imposing their decisions on it.

Earlier, France and Spain declared their readiness to recognize the President of Venezuela, the President of the National Assembly, Juan Guaido, if no elections were announced in the country within eight days. Similar conditions have also been put forward in Great Britain and in Germany.