Teller Report

Nazarbayev calls on Kazakh government to resign

2/21/2019, 1:15:35 PM

Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayeva said that the government of the country should resign. This was stated in the press service of the head of state.

“I, as president and guarantor of the constitution, taking into account the interests of our people, make the following decision. I believe that the government should resign, ”said Nazarbayev’s statement.

According to him, the new government needs to “work out effective steps to improve living standards, stimulate the economy, and implement strategic objectives.”

Nazarbayev intends to propose a number of measures to strengthen social support and improve the quality of life of people.

As indicated, the funds will be directed at enhancing social support for low-income citizens, expanding opportunities for improving the living conditions of socially vulnerable segments of the population, a major change in the regional development policy.

“Funds that are available to the government and in the field are not spent on purpose. All this will be controlled, ”he concluded.

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